In Memory of






Condolence From: Joanne Canning & Bill Canning
Condolence: Auntie Hazel was always so kind and considerate to both of us. Auntie Hazel always made inquiries of Bill about his little kitty cat, which was very special. Imagine remembering the name of a nephew's pet... We know the pain of losing a Mother, and we share your pain. There will never be someone that loves you the way your Mother did... with unconditional love. Time will prove to you that the love remains with you... we wish for you to find comfort in that undying love. With love, you are in our thoughts now and always, Joanne & Bill
Wednesday November 10, 2004
Condolence From: Lori De Giusti
Condolence: Dale, I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. My thoughts are with you and your family at this time. Lori
Monday November 01, 2004
Condolence From: Roslyn Beaman
Condolence: Mrs. Canning was always pleased to see me when I came to visit with Dale either in her home in Toronto, or when she moved to Lindsay, and then Fenelon. I will remember her gentle hugs, and kind words. My thoughts are with the family, especially my friend Dale, during this time.
Monday November 01, 2004