In Memory of






Condolence From: James Bellwood
Condolence: Dan, Lori, James, Jennifer & Jada; Joe and I had a wonderful conversation at Matt and Meaghan's Jack and Jill a couple of months ago and I will surely treasure that evening even more now. I was pretty down as I had just gone through a huge loss and even with his struggles he was so upbeat about life that it reminded me of what really is important. I never really got to know Joe that well while we where all growing up in the same neighbourhood as I was just that much older than him but I sure remember him. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
Thursday July 09, 2009
Condolence From: Scott Moore
Condolence: Dear Dan And Lori and family: I was Joe's Grade 4 teacher and have also been kept informed by my mother, Jean Moore, about "The Cookie Monster". I was so sorry to hear the Joe's cancer had returned. I am sure that you had already gone through your grieving, but it is still such a blow to lose him. At least now he won't be suffering, if that is any consolation. I remember Joe as an energetic young lad, full of life. I am sure you will treasure the memories you have. I was sorry that I could not be at the funeral, but I am sure you have had much support over these difficult days. God Bless. Scott Moore and family
Thursday July 09, 2009
Condolence From: Karen Luffman
Condolence: I would like to say I'm so sorry to Joe's family for their loss. Joe was a great guy and an awesome friend. Joe was there for me as a friend when ever I was down, and we would talk for hours about life and such. Joe will be missed so much by myself and his other friends. I talked to Joe on MSN 4 days before he passed away and we had a good conversation about death and dying. I told Joe I will see him again when God says it is my turn to go to Heaven, and that seemed to make Joe happy, and it made me feel happy that I could bring some happiness to Joe in his time of need. May Joe Rest in Peace for ever. xoxo
Wednesday July 08, 2009
Condolence From: jody and don bulmer
Condolence: Lori,Dan,James and family; We are so sad to hear about Joe, our hearts go out to you's. I can remember the time you spent running back and forth to Toronto with Joe,.so small, but full of spunk. My heart aches for all of you. Just know you are in our prayers! Fondly, With sympathy, Jody and Don Bulmer
Wednesday July 08, 2009
Condolence From: Ken Stephenson
Condolence: Sorry to hear of your lost of Joe My thoughts are with you and the family.
Tuesday July 07, 2009
Condolence From: Ken Stephenson
Condolence: Sorry to hear of your lost of Joe My thoughts are with you and the family.
Tuesday July 07, 2009
Condolence From: leeann Ireland, Maureen Kavenough, Cheryl Jefferey, Carol Aska, Joan Chessell, Jacqueline Wells, Marilyn Dunford, Fran Charuk
Condolence: Dear Lori, Dan and Family, On behalf of the Durham Children's Aid Placement department, we would like to pass on our well wishes of strength and support for your family and friends. We cannot imagine your pain, or your sense of peace that Joseph is now at rest from this battle that has been part of his life journey. The treasure of your memories will keep your heart warm. The love of your child will stay strong, and be seen through your every day life. We are thinking of you, take care.
Monday July 06, 2009
Condolence From: Deborah Stephens
Condolence: Dear Lori, Dan, and Family There are no words that I can offer to ease your sorrow at losing Joe. I simply wanted to extend my deepest condolences to your family. I admired Joe's incredible determination, tenacity, and positive attitude in the face of this devastaating disease. He was a very brave young man who was taken far too soon. In these dark days it is hard to believe that you will ever feel the sun on your face again, but even though it seems we will never smile again, life eventually does come back. I hope that the love and support of your friends and family will help to ease your sorrow and that you take especially good care of yourselves. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Deborah
Monday July 06, 2009
Condolence From: deb rogers
Condolence: Lori & Dan Someone so special can never be forgotten. It will be the little things that you will remember, the quiet moments, the smiles, the laughter. And although it may seem hard right now, it will be the memories of these little things that help to push away the pain and bring the smiles back again. My thoughts are with you Deb
Monday July 06, 2009
Condolence From: Wendy and Bill Dietrich
Condolence: Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you during this difficult time. The Dietrich Family
Monday July 06, 2009
Condolence From: Uncle Terry and Aunt Cathey Cranton
Condolence: Thinking of you at at this sad time , Please accept our condolence . Uncle Terry and Aunt Cathey.
Monday July 06, 2009
Condolence From: Carolyn Holmes
Condolence: There are no words............ I am so so sorry.........Joe and Breana together with our Lord......... "Death leaves a heartache no one can heal Love leaves a memory no one can steal" Big tight long hugs from your Sister of the Heart
Saturday July 04, 2009
Condolence From: Ron & Faye McGee
Condolence: Dan & Lori: Our thoughts & prayers are with you and your family
Saturday July 04, 2009
Condolence From: Kathy Nelson
Condolence: Lori and family, our hearts go out to you in the loss of Joe. It happened too quick and so senselessly. As your sister of the heart we know our kids are in heaven and now Breana has her brother with her which is of some comfort knowing they are together. We hope you have a peaceful and beautiful memorial. We wish we could be there with you to share our hugs. Love Kathy & Tony Nelson (Sister of the Heart from Michigan)
Friday July 03, 2009
Condolence From: Ingrid Otter
Condolence: Our sincere and deepest sympathy. Joe will be deeply missed and always remembered. Hugs, Rick and Ing
Friday July 03, 2009
Condolence From: Ralph and Linda Stokes
Condolence: Dear Dan Lori and family. Being breaved parents again seems so unfair. We are truly sorry for your loss. AS you know we understand your pain and the journey that is ahead of you. May your family friends and memories help you through this difficult time. Ralph and Linda
Friday July 03, 2009
Condolence From: Karen Tyers
Condolence: Dear Lori, Dan, James and family Words are so inadequate at this time, but I hope it helps to know that you have many friends who are keeping you in their thoughts and prayers. May you find peace and comfort in your memories of Joey. We shall all meet again. God Bless.
Friday July 03, 2009
Condolence From:
Condolence: We are always here for you. We are so very very sorry. We chose this charity because it was such a good thing for Joe and all of you to have this precious memory of your time together and all the fish that got caught. All Our Love
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From:
Condolence: Dear Dan & Lori My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time. Deepest Sympathy & God Bless.
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From:
Condolence: Dan, Lori, James and Jada. Our hearts go out to all of you. We are at a loss for words.
Monday November 30, -0001