In Memory of






Condolence From: Liane & Randall
Condolence: We are saddened by the news of Laraine. Although we never met in person, we exchanged numerous messages over the last year in which she always made us feel like she was looking after us. We wish her and her family peace.
Wednesday September 24, 2003
Condolence From: Joanne Young
Condolence: So very sorry to hear the news of Laraine's passing. A great person, always friendly when we met, the last time not so long ago at the Post Office. She will surely be missed by many. Gratt, Joanne Young
Saturday September 20, 2003
Condolence From: Marilyn Trottier
Condolence: Dear Doug, Vicki & Cathy, I am so very sorry for your loss. Laraine was a very special lady in so many ways, always caring, giving, vibrant & full of fun. I will always remember and appreciate the love she gave to Rob & Sam. With my very deepest sympathies. ... Love, Marilyn
Friday September 19, 2003
Condolence From: Sandy Kerr & Fran Flaherty - Shutterbug Photo
Condolence: We were so saddened about the news of Laraine's passing. She was a great gal to chat with. Always upbeat & fun. Also Laraine was very professional with her real estate clients. We empathize with your loss. Please accept our heartfelt condolences. She will be sadly missed.
Thursday September 18, 2003
Condolence From: Jeannette Nugent
Condolence: I remember Laraine Reuber from Real Estate and probably met her at some of the conventions, I think she was working for Frank Real Estate at some time when I was there in the Oshawa office. She was well known and respected in the Real Estate profession, she also sold my daughter a cottage last year in August, on the gull River. We are so sorry to hear of her passing.
Thursday September 18, 2003
Condolence From: Muriel Trowsdale
Condolence: As Executive Officer of the Real Estate Association for 20 years, I was privileged to have worked very closely with Laraine. She served on many committees and on the Board of Directors, so we spent many hours working on behalf of Realtors' interests in this area. We always had a good relationship and shared many laughs over the years. I was truly shocked to hear of her passing as I always saw her smiling face in her ads each week. Doug, when you lose your life partner, there are many adjustments to make, but let me assure you that with time, a caring family and loyal friends, you will be able to face the future. Sincerely, Muriel Trowsdale
Thursday September 18, 2003
Condolence From: crystal hackett
Condolence: Cathy , Dan and all of your family, We are very sorry to hear of your moms passing please accept our sympathy. Tom,Crystal,Jessica,Matt,Adam, Emily Hackett
Wednesday September 17, 2003
Condolence From: Darlene & Larry Kirtley
Condolence: TO THE FAMILY OF LARAINE REUBER- My husband and I are so sad to hear of your loss. Laraine sold us our cottage one year ago, and she demonstrated caring and professionalism in every way. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you during this time.
Wednesday September 17, 2003
Condolence From: Cindy and Gail-former Seer employees
Condolence: We are very sorry for your loss. Laraine was a great person.
Wednesday September 17, 2003
Condolence From: Vicky Magahay (Chris\' Hair World)
Condolence: I was deeply sadened to hear of Laraines passing. It was such a shock to see her early in Sept in such a frail state. Laraine was always someone I looked forward to visiting with. She always spoke of Cathy and her wonderful boys, and also of Vicki and what a terrific teacher she was. My deepest sympathy to you all, I know you will miss her. As will all that she touched in her life. Sincerly, Vicky
Tuesday September 16, 2003
Condolence From: Susan Stanford
Condolence: I had the absolute pleasure of having Laraine as my friend (I called her Ruby) for the past 14 years - I first met Ruby when we both joined "the Frank" office - and when I moved we continued our friendship via email. She is and will always be - missed. All my very best to Doug, the girls & her family. Susan Stanford
Tuesday September 16, 2003
Condolence From: Bonnie and Bruce Glancy
Condolence: Dear Reuber and Trottier Families, Bruce and I are truly saddened by the untimely passing of Larry. We have many fond memories of Doug and Larry at our boat sharing a few laughs and a couple of cocktails. We were always welcome into the Reuber's home and enjoyed the time together. Although we haven't seen the family in sometime, wonderful memories are always with us. Our heartfelt condolences to everyone close and dear to Laraine. Warmly, Bonnie and Bruce Glancy
Tuesday September 16, 2003
Condolence From: CARL ANDERSON
Condolence: A brief moment was all me and my wife spent with you. You took the time to chat with us about finding the right house for our family one evening. We are saddened and we will always remember you.
Tuesday September 16, 2003
Condolence From: Pauline(Blackmore) Campbell
Condolence: Laraine was a funny and caring lady. Laraine has touched many lives and will be sadly missed. My condolences go to all the families. Take comfort, and be each others crutch to lean on.
Tuesday September 16, 2003
Condolence From: Catherine Corneil
Condolence: I had the pleasure of working with Laraine for approximately 10 years during my Real Estate career. She was always ready to help in any way she could and was well respected by her fellow workers. My deepest sympathy goes out to all the family on your loss of such a wonderful lady.
Tuesday September 16, 2003
Condolence From: teresa graham
Condolence: I am sorry for your loss but may the Lord bless you with the knowledge that she has gone to heaven.
Sunday September 14, 2003