In Memory of





Condolence From: Lonnie Bowering
Condolence: Well, i'm probably the only friend Mike never fought! I was there for a lot of the "fun" things that were done in Thurstonia. I will always have fond memories of Mike. Underneath the tough guy exterior, as most ppl didn't know, he had a big heart and was very intelligent. If people didn't know that about Mike, then he must have punched them out so they didn't stick around to find out that deep down there was a guy who would do anything for you. I've partied with Mike a lot, in Thurstonia, and I'll never forget the cigarette burn i still have on my arm...from him!!!...lmao. I think of ya everytime i party. You're memory will live on in my thoughts and my deepest sympathies are with his family, cheers mate!
Sunday August 07, 2005
Condolence From: Colin Nicholls
Condolence: It has been since high school since i saw Mike last, however i will always be left with the time we laughed together. I would like to send my condolonces to the Rhodes family, and a Hello too Daryl and Dustin.
Tuesday May 11, 2004
Condolence From: Paul Stockton
Condolence: Mike will be greatly missed by all, I will remember all of the fun times we had, Keast's eyebrow, joyriding in Riley's car while he was sleeping, all the fun and trouble we caused, they were great times, all of us from Thurstonia were like brothers, and no matter how far apart we are, or what happens, I think we still are, I will miss you Mike, watch over your family now. My deepest sympathy for Sandra, Don, Darryl, Dustin, the girls, and the rest of the family. Take Care. Now have a toast for Mike, I'm sure he would like that.
Thursday May 06, 2004
Condolence From: Dale Quibell and Laurie O\'Donnell
Condolence: As highschool friends of Mike's, we were saddened by his loss. Mike had a great heart and will be remembered by us forever. Our thoughts are with his children and his family.
Tuesday May 04, 2004
Condolence From: evelyn ballard
Condolence: I just heard about the loss of Mike and wish to send a thought and prayer
Monday November 30, -0001