In Memory of





Condolence From: Robert Bremner
Condolence: My condolences to Uncle Roger's family.
Saturday May 26, 2012
Condolence From: Debra Reeves
Condolence: I wish to express my gratitude for Roger Love coming in to my Grandmothers life Lois Garrow. I remember how she used to tell me how much she adored Roger he made her laugh. Together he brought her to many places which they shared fun times.. He looked after my grandma after her stroke life became more difficult for her but Roger persevered. After health began to fail for Roger he made the most difficult decision to put his wife into a health care facility...He continued to visit her and keep her company. I will always remember this. Thanks again Roger for being you...God Bless Your family now and always...Amen......Debra Reeves and her children Ryan, Nathan, Adam and Brittany....
Wednesday June 08, 2011
Condolence From: Adele
Condolence: To Roger's family, I was the volunteer from Hospice Kawartha Lakes who visited your father, at his home for a while, and later in the hospital. On my last visit to his home at Rosedale, we sat out on the porch and watched the men working across the street as they carefully removed the tree that blew down in that bad wind storm. The tree was lodged against two other trees and had pretty well destroyed the shed beneath it. It was a beautiful day and I was pleased that Roger felt up to being outside. When he was in hospital, I visited him in ICU, on Surgical floor and then several times while he was on Palliative. We had some good visits and it was my great honor to be able to support him in this final illness. My thoughts and prayers are with each of you at this time. God Bless.
Tuesday June 07, 2011
Condolence From: marie gabriel newman
Saturday June 04, 2011
Condolence From: Beth, Joe, Erin and Scott Smith (Love)
Condolence: We are sorry to hear of Uncle Roger's passing and know that he will be missed very much by everyone. Much love and hugs to all. I only wish that we could be there with you. Beth (Love), Joe, Erin and Scott Smith
Saturday June 04, 2011